This application is a combination of Lord Vishnu Chalisa, Lord Vishnu ji ki Aarti and Lord Vishnu Kavach.
Lord Vishnu is one of the most important gods in the Hindu pantheon and, along with Brahma and Shiva, is considered a member of the holy trinity (trimurti) of Hinduism. He is the most important god of Vaishnaism, the largest Hindu sect. Indeed, to illustrate Vishnu’s superior status, Brahma is, in some accounts, considered to have been born from a lotus flower which grew from Vishnu’s naval. A complex character, Lord Vishnu is the Preserver and guardian of men (Narayana), he protects the order of things (dharma) and, when necessary, he appears on earth in various incarnations or avatars to fight demons and fierce creatures and so maintain cosmic harmony.
In Hindu sacred texts, Lord Vishnu is usually described as having the dark complexion of water-filled clouds and having four arms. He is depicted as a pale blue being, as are his incarnations Rama and Krishna. He holds a padma (lotus flower) in his lower left hand, the Kaumodaki gada (mace) in his lower right hand, the Panchajanya shankha (conch) in his upper left hand and the discus weapon considered to be the most powerful weapon according to Hindu Religion Sudarshana Chakra in his upper right hand.
You will be happy to see such a nice combination in one single application with Lord Vishnu Chalisa, Lord Vishnu ji ki Aarti and Kavach in Audio and text format.
$$ ALL IN 1 APP $$
This application is dedicate to Lord Lord Vishnu.
Lord Lord Vishnu Mantra:
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
All the rights and Copyright are reserved to the owner and we only get it from public domain free. If any copyright or violation of policies in this app then mail us.
在印度教经文,毗湿奴通常被描述为具有充满水的云皮肤黝黑,并有四个武器。他被描绘为一个淡蓝色的存在,因为是他的化身罗摩和克里希纳。他拥有自己的左下方一个帕德玛(莲花),该Kaumodaki加达(MACE)在其右下方的Panchajanya shankha(海螺)在其左上方并审议了铁饼的武器是根据最有力的武器印度教宗教Sudarshana轮在他的右上角。
$$ ALL IN 1 APP $$
嗡南无Bhagavate Vasudevaya